
Professional learning for early childhood educators who want to implement nature-based pedagogy

Rachel Larimore,自然基础幼儿教育专家


Our professional development services are designed to help integrate nature-based approaches while also implementing best practices of early childhood education.

Dr. 瑞秋一. Larimore facilitates a range of 研讨会 from a 45-minute keynote address to a multi-day workshop. 这些专业发展研讨会既有趣又吸引人, 同时也是信息丰富和鼓舞人心的.



Dr. 瑞秋一. Larimore, 萨马拉早期教育的首席梦想家, 提供主题演讲以激发灵感, 挑战, 激励你的与会者. She’ll shift participants away from early childhood education detached from nature to embracing nature-based early childhood education. The goal 与 keynote addresses is to give you 和 your conference attendees the knowledge, 技能, 和 motivation to begin implementing nature-based ideas on Monday morning—while also inspiring educators to dream big about what the future might hold for their early childhood program. 主题演讲最多可安排1个.5小时,在线或面对面,包括以下可能的主题*:


→Inside, Outside学习 & 超越:为什么它很重要


→ From Preschool to Early Elementary: Learning from One Community’s Journey 与 Nature-Based Education



→从教学转向 关于 教学 自然:从以自然为本的幼儿教育运动中学习

*这些可以定制,所以请不要受此列表的限制. 让我们谈谈你的需求和会议主题!



Professional development 研讨会 focus on incorporating nature-based activities into your curriculum while maintaining high-quality early childhood practices. 我们将一起定制每个工作坊, 从三个小时到好几天, 满足项目和团队的需求.

We strive to ensure these 研讨会 allow for active learning 和 collaboration. After all, we are social-constructivists who believe people learn by interacting 与 others. 这适用于幼儿和成人学习者.


而面对面的学习是最理想的, 我们认识到,有些因素有时使这一目标变得困难甚至不可能实现. 因此,我们也提供虚拟研讨会. 这些研讨会可以是同步的, 异步, 或者两者兼而有之——根据你的情况选择.

例如, we could provide a pre-recorded presentation to your team 和 then schedule a workshop time to build off of those ideas. Another option is we could provide an entirely synchronous workshop 与 a presentation, 分组工作小组, 和问&一个会话. 有很多可能性!

我们所有的虚拟研讨会都是通过Zoom进行的. 别担心,我们来处理技术问题. )是的,我们可以接待100人以上的团体.) We often utilize additional tech tools during the workshop for participant engagement.


There are many possibilities for 研讨会, but here are a few topics to get your wheels turning:








→区分室外危害、风险、 & 恐惧





如果你想为你的参与者提供一个独特的礼物, 甚至是鼓励提前注册, 你可以加上瑞秋的书 Preschool Beyond Walls: Blending Early Childhood Education 和 Nature-Based Learning or 评估Natureness 为了降低费率. 当你预订你的工作坊时,一定要问我们!

关于博士. 瑞秋一. Larimore

Dr. Rachel Larimore,自然基础幼儿教育专家

Rachel is an educator, speaker, consultant, 和 author of three books including 建立以自然为本的幼儿园Preschool Beyond Walls: Blending Early Childhood Education 和 Nature-Based Learning. Her passion 和 expertise is intentional integration of nature into early childhood education for young children’s whole development.

在成立萨马拉早教之前, Rachel founded one of the nation’s earliest nature-based preschools at Chippewa Nature Center (CNC) in Midl和, MI. The creation of the preschool in 2007 was part of her 15-year tenure as the Director of Education. 她继续担任该项目的主任,直到2016年, 在她离开时, the program served 140 children each year through public 和 private funding sources. In her tenure at CNC she also co-chaired the Nature Center’s $6 million capital expansion project, 哪一个是在2010年完成的. The expansion included an approximately 5,000 square foot LEED Gold Certified preschool building. 在CNC工作期间, Rachel led the creation of a partnership 与 Bullock Creek Schools to create a nature-based kindergarten 和 first grade 与in the public school system.

瑞秋获得了博士学位.D. from Michigan State University’s Department of Teacher Education; a M.A. in Park 和 Recreation Administration from Central Michigan University; 和 a B.S. 自然资源、娱乐和旅游, 强调解释, 科罗拉多州立大学. Rachel has been recognized for her work by various organizations including the National Association for Interpretation Region 4’s in 2012 与 the “Master Interpretive Manager” recognition; First State Bank’s “RUBY Award” in 2013 for professionals under the age of 40; 和 Exchange Magazine in 2015 与 the “Promising Early Care 和 Education Leader” award. 想了解更多关于瑞秋的信息,请访问 www.rachel-larimore.com.




一定要看看我们的 随需应变的研讨会 那可以在您方便的时候安排